The first end to end diagnostic
and decision support
healthcare platform

Our Clients

“myOrb has made it easier for me to work through all the different imaging systems. From an operational perspective, it’s been so transformational.”

PACS Manager (New Malden Diagnostic Centre)

MyOrb has improved the security and efficiency of my radiology reporting service.

I can work in the confidence that the data and workflow  is saved under one space and both my team and our referrers have adapted to the system  with ease. 

PACS Manager (3DX Radiology)

“The myOrb team are very accommodating. The onboarding process was very smooth, making it easy to get going.

When I’m with the patient having all the data I need, with any scans or medical reports. It’s much easier for me and quicker for the patient. It stops the awkward stress of not finding information when you need it!”

Consultant (New Malden Diagnostic Centre)

“I can manage everything through myOrb.

It tracks all the scans and patient data, making it
much easier to organise the patient spaces.

It’s so nice to not scroll through emails!”

PACS Manager (New Malden Diagnostic Centre)

“Better data management and systems are needed across healthcare.

myOrb has helped us feel like a modern healthcare practice; moving forward with other sectors.”

PACS Manager (New Malden Diagnostic Centre)

Our Vision and Mission

Our vision

We provide a global healthcare system that facilitates the best possible care through effective use of technology enabling optimal healthcare productivity.

Our mission

Through cloud-based technology, make healthcare diagnostic testing information accessible when and where needed with a user-friendly interface.

Our Solution

  • All information scans and tests in one place.
  • Digital, secure data platform that removes emails, phone calls and paper chains.
  • One platform through the care pathway (end-to-end), reducing inefficiency.
  • Interface designed with clinicians and tailored to each care stage.
  • Optimised to work with current systems or replace where needed.
  • Enables integration of other technologies like Artificial Intelligence to innovate healthcare.

Expandable To Any Care Pathway

Can be utilised for any specialty.
Including all diagnostic tests and other specialties, such as mental health.

Our Product

  • myOrb is the premier facilitator for the new era of data driven healthcare
  • Integrates with current and emerging heathcare technology
  • Clinicians access up to date information in one place
  • 12 Years of meticulous research, design and development with clinicians culminating in a end-to-end cloud-based data platform
  • User friendly interface
  • Track scans, test results, video and all other patient data

Our Technology

  • myOrb is built with highly scalable state of the art public cloud technology enabling a quantum leap in clinical transformation at a reasonable cost.
  • Intuitive user interfaces across the entire care pathway designed with Doctors.
  • Works alongside or replaces incumbent end of life systems.


myOrb has pioneered a simple and rapid implementation method which takes little time and resource. A physical or virtual server presence with internet connection are provisioned.
Data transformations are then orchestrated through our proprietary Interoperability Engine into the Health Information Exchange and connected to NHS Spine and any other systems.

  • Physical or virtual server and internet connection only takes a few hours.
  • Data mapping is completed within a few weeks.
  • Enjoy the benefits of a fully monitored and managed service.
  • Relieve the burden from local IT departments.
  • Experience rapid user onboarding with just one email.
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